Saturday, January 4, 2025

I'm Back!

I know. It's been a while since I've posted. Or even written any words.

The double blow of my breast cancer diagnosis along with the lockdown precautions of the COVID-19 pandemic put me into a bit of a tailspin. I had no focus to impart on my stories. I had to prioritize my health over everything else in my life, including my significant others and my puppy.

I'm lucky that the significant others and the Princess Pup were tolerant and did what they could to comfort me. I didn't mean I wasn't scared out of my gourd every time I stepped out of the house for a doctor's appointment.

And honestly, it takes a lot for me as a domme to admit fear.

My oncologist was rather glad I didn't shirk my healthcare during the last five years. He understood the double-edged sword people in my position faced. Too many of his patients avoided their appointments with him because of their fear of COVID-19, and quite a few died from skipping their cancer treatments.

Despite my precautions, I did contract COVID-19 six months ago. However, I obtained my vaccines and boosters, and somehow, I managed not to get long COVID. Still, I wouldn't wish cancer or COVID-19 on my worst enemy (if I had one).

On the plus side, I've finished a couple of novellas that still needed to be released. And last summer, I started back on a novel I'd abandoned when everything went to hell in a handbasket back in 2018.

I don't know how fast anything will get completed and uploaded, but 2025 is a good starting point.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Pardon My Dust...

After seven years, both my website and my book covers needed a makeover. Also, the Blogger Contact Form decided to croak, so I added a new contact page.

I'm hoping to start the new year with some new releases. It's been a while since any release I know. Three years. For those of you who don't follow me on Facebook, I've been dealing with breast cancer. However, I'm back in the proverbial saddle and looking forward to release my latest scribbles.

I've even calendared in the need to update the series pages and add the new ones.

In the meantime, let me know what you think of the new look.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

It's Been a While...

There's been quite a bit of personal excrement hitting the spinning turbines in Casa de Andrews over the last three years. Alas, none of it has been conducive to writing.

However, 2019 has started on a much more positive note. While I have been writing, none of it is quite ready for public consumption.

Instead the first new thing for this year is sprucing up some old covers. The Secrets series debuts the first renovations. I hope you all will be as please with them as I am. Here's the first one:

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Latest Release

2016 was a little crazy to say the least in regards to my personal life. I'm slowly getting back into the writing groove this year.

Somehow, I forgot to mention the second book in the Sex and the Single Monster series. It's currently available on Amazon and will soon be out at other retailers.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Love at First Bite

Love at First Bite was a limited time anthology from Excessica Press. It is no longer available.

* * *

I'm in anthology with the marvelous Selena Kitt! All right, my story "Everlasting Hope" is in the anthology Love at First Bite with her story. Woo-Hoo!

Thirteen fabulous stories for only 99 cents! Check it out through the nifty little reader previewer!